Monday, January 31, 2011

WTF. What the France.

I'm hungry. But more on that later. The last week in January has been one of the worst of my short time on this planet. Hospital stays, fights with Chefs, emotional turbulence, and life just not going right. Saturday morning I woke up with a pain in my stomach that I just ignored, and went on with my day. Was very sick that night, and Sunday, the pain was still there, so I decided to go to the hospital. My friend Lesley joined me in my first taste of socialized healthcare. This is not a political rant, so I wont get into it, but it's awful. For the first 4 hours of my stay, I was given a Tums, and told to pee in a cup. Beautiful. I was then laid on a bed, and hooked to an IV, after having a bag fall on my face, and the nurse leaving with a needle sticking out of my arm. There were not enough Nurses, Doctors, or medical professionals of any rank to treat the hordes of people there seeking help. After 11 hours, x-rays, ultrasounds, and pain meds, I was sent home with a bruised and inflamed large intestine. Don't know how that happened. It's not my appendix though, so that's a positive.
I haven't given a food update in quite some time. So, here it is.
Intermediate Cuisine and Le Cordon Bleu = Stuffing proteins with other proteins. On friday, we removed all the bones from a chicken, and stuffed it with pork shoulder and foi gras, and then poached it slowly in Court Bouillon, or a wine flavored chicken stock.
Before that, a Lobster cooked in the oven, with rice, and Lobster sauce.
Magret duck breast with cream braised leeks, and potato cakes with bacon and mushrooms.
Times before that, Mullet stuffed with olives. Dourade stuffed with shrimp and more dourade, and we broke down and cooked 11,000 different bird varietals.
A chef and I got into an argument over the clarity in which a certain chef gives demos. But, it was cleared up, and he gave me a smile afterwords so thats good.
Ate at Le Comptoir
And an oyster restaurant I cant remember the name of.
Maybe post a few pictures in my next post. Hopefully February is better.

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